Charity of the year

Choosing Foyle Hospice as your Charity of the Year will make a big difference to a local charity. Your support means we can continue to care for local patients and their families while improving your company profile and morale. 

Nominating Foyle Hospice as your Charity of the Year is a great opportunity to unite your staff while supporting an inspiring local cause, it also demonstrates your company’s commitment to making a difference and helping your local community.

Why you should nominate Foyle Hospice for your Charity of the Year.

When you nominate us as YOUR Charity of the Year

You can organise fundraising events throughout the year or a BIG fundraising event to help raise funds for our specialist palliative care services
We love to put the FUN in Fundraising! From Coffee Mornings, Sky Diving, Walks, Gala Balls to family fun days there is an event for everyone.
Click Here to get some fundraising inspiration

Get in touch we want to hear from you!

To find our more about how you or your company can get involved contact our dedicated Legacy and Corporate Fundraising Officer, to discuss how we can work together for the good of your local hospice and your business.


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